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Air Quality

Indoor air quality in Oklahoma City Metro area is a concern for a lot of homeowners. What is it about indoor air that makes it more polluted than outdoor air? One reason for this is that air cannot ventilate freely because of the extensive insulation used to stop cooling and heating loss. Today’s homes are built very tightly with little exchange between indoor and outdoor air, thus trapping the pollutants inside.

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Indoor Air Pollutants

  • Mold
  • Dust and dust mites
  • Pet dander
  • Bacteria and viruses
  • Carbon monoxide
  • Cooking fumes
  • Tobacco smoke
  • Radon
  • Volatile organic compounds (VOCs), such as formaldehyde and benzene

Air Quality Testing

We offer a number of services to identify the source of low indoor air quality. Starting with a full health and energy audit, which we can use to determine what contaminants pose the greatest risk and to check for ways to improve energy efficiency. We will do a full evaluation of your home and it’s needs and make recommendations from there.

Indoor Air Quality Solutions

When it comes to improving your indoor air quality, we have several options to meet your needs, which includes:

  • Air filters
    • Yes, you can certainly purchase and replace your own air filters. We can also do this for you. The basic air filters are the least efficient available, as they weren’t designed to improve indoor air quality, but rather were made for the purpose of preventing debris from settling in your air system. We recommend a more advanced filter for improved air-cleaning power. Pleated filters are appropriate for most homes, while HEPA filters are recommended for people with asthma and other lung conditions. We can help you make the right choice if you are unsure what would be best for your home.
  • Air Filtration Systems
    • A good air filtration system will reduce common allergy triggers from particulates such as pollen, mold spores, dander and dust. Installing an air filtration system will let you say goodbye to odors from cooking, pets, dirty socks, diaper pails, and musty rooms. We are pleased to offer the REME HALO® air filtration system to our customers. This system is far more advanced than a regular filter, capable of eliminating mold, pollen, pet dander, pesticides, fumes, household cleaner residue, and other pollutants commonly found in homes.
  • Whole-house humidifiers/dehumidifiers
    • The proper humidification helps keep mold, dust mites, bacteria, and viruses under control. Let us install a top-rated whole-house system that will run in tandem with your HVAC equipment. By installing this type of system, you can evenly and comfortably optimize the humidity in every room in your home, no matter the season.
  • Ventilation Systems (prevents stagnant air)
    • The US Department of Energy recommends in both new and existing homes, that a mechanical air filtration system by installed to maintain indoor air quality.  There are four basic mechanical whole-house ventilation systems — exhaust, supply, balanced, and energy recovery. We can help you determine which type makes the most sense for your home or office, along with your budget.

Give us a call at 405-307-8000 to ask us more about our indoor air quality solutions.

Our technicians would be happy to discuss your air quality concerns and help you find the ideal combination of systems for your home or business. Help your family breathe easier with proven indoor air quality solutions from Iceblast.